Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Inspiration Wednesday - Carrie Chau Wun Ying

I was sitting at the cafe the other day and the shop owner recommended me a new art book "non-stop game" by a Hong Kong artist. I flipped it before at the bookshop but it didn't really interest me. While I'm passing my time, might as well just read again.

The drawings are acrylic on canvas with bright colours, from 2005 to 2007. What interested me was the interview section at the back, which comes in chinese and english version. Then one of the artist's answer striked me in the heart (no joke!). I can't remember exactly what she has written but something like "a pure artwork touch people's emotion deeply. Technique is secondary". She also commented that her earlier years used up too much fancy decorate styles that later in the years she tend to simplified her artworks.

Cherub, 2005
They are lost, 2006
The non-stop game, 2007

Some people were captivated by the artworks then they interested in the artists. I was drawn by artist's simple quote yet profound meaning then I interested in her artworks.

Click here to visit her website.

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